Tips for Completing Days Gone - Basic Tasks # 006

How to improve performance and upgrade a motorcycle?

Both of these actions can only be performed by a mechanic who charges a fee for it. Without a proper level of trust, we cannot expect to improve. When we start a conversation, for example, with Manny, we get to the menu, which is divided into three categories: execution, appearance and varnish. To facilitate the gameplay, the first category is the most important. The other two types of enhancements are aesthetic and you don't need to use them.

In Days Gone, we can only travel quickly to places that are already unlocked. As a rule, these are NERO facilities or cleared camps. The bike can be improved at Manny's Camp Copeland.

What can we improve in the performance category?

The engine is the speed of the motorcycle.
Exhale is the volume of the machine.
Baskets are the amount of ammunition that can be stored on a motorcycle.
The tank is the maximum fuel reserve.
The frame is responsible for the durability of the motorcycle.
Nitro - provides short-term acceleration of the motorcycle.
Tires - determine the grip of the motorcycle on the road.

To buy upgrades, you need to select an item in the menu and press X. The Days Gone pre-order set includes several improvements that you don't need to buy from a mechanic: motorcycle improvements in speed, protection, and movement capabilities, and additional access to the Tramp crossbow.

The crafting system

In Days Gone, Deacon can create items by himself. You can use: empty bottles, scrap metal, nails, canvases, kerosene to improve your equipment. It is necessary to take care of the weapon and make it yourself, because it quickly wears out in battle. During the battle, in the lower left corner of the screen, we see the percentage of weapon consumption.

We can fix this quickly by using the interaction button, but we need resources for that. One of the simplest and most useful things in the game is, for example, a Molotov cocktail to destroy the nests of the freaks.

Initially, you need to purchase basic firearms and edged weapons by finding them in the game world. Weapons are easiest to find when human opponents are killed, or to buy them at the Hot Springs camp if we have enough resources for that. Edged weapons can also be made by yourself, but for improved edged weapons you must have a recipe. Blueprints for improved weapons can be found in bunkers under enemy camps. To create an improved version, you need to hold down the L1 button to open the survival wheel. ma chance casino

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