Almost all of Sweden is connected

Soon all of Sweden will be connected to the Internet. It's no longer just the 90s and 00s who use social networks or prefer e-commerce over traditional retail. Older generations make up an increasingly large group on the Internet.
Swedes' Internet use curves are pointing upward. Last year, the Internet Foundation reported that 98 percent of the population is online. 81 percent use a mobile bank ID, 54 percent watch Netflix and, according to the Swedish Gambling Authority, 2 in 3 Swedes play online casinos. In 2019, several new casinos were launched, which you can read here From the beginning, they follow the Swedish gambling laws that came into force this year. They offer and use the latest games as well as payment and communication solutions. Deposits and withdrawals are made quickly with payment methods such as. Swish and registration can be done through bankID. One reason for the launch of several new casinos may be the more open market, but also the fact that the target groups using the Internet to play have grown larger.

Here's how Swedes are surfing

The generations using the Internet have increased. 00-talists are those who use the Internet 100 percent for both entertainment, work and information. However, they are not as fond of using e-mail. The 90s and 80s are not far behind. They choose to stream music and movies and are available on most social networks. They are also the groups most open to technological innovation.

The 70s explored the Internet as adults, and it took them longer to join social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Of the social platforms, they mostly use Facebook, but are not as positive about streaming.

The 40s and 50s connected during the 10s. They use the Internet mostly to pay bills and search for information, but many started watching YouTube videos and listening to music. They also became frequent users of social media. Platforms such as Instagram and Facebook are used to keep in touch with younger relatives and family members. Their presence on social media has opened up new business opportunities, and they can now reach older target groups through digital marketing.

Challenges for companies

A company that markets itself online must not only understand digital platforms. They must also understand that there are different audiences on the same platform. The digital immaturity that existed in Sweden a couple of years ago has diminished. It is also clear from this resource that digital marketing has led to the optimization of advertising networks. Previously, marketing was divided, and the younger generation was reached through social networks, and the older generation through radio, television and mail. Now that the older generation has started shopping online and using digital services, new challenges await them. One of them is language communication. Although the older generation uses social media, they are not yet used to the language of the Internet.

Understanding how Swedes use the Internet helps companies improve their marketing. Instead of showing the same ads on all platforms, they can be customized depending on who sees them. It's also important to keep track of developments. More or fewer people may use social media throughout the year, and advertising strategists and social media managers need to keep up to date.

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Quelles que soient vos compétences, si vous touchez votre bille en droit, en bricolage, si vous aimez écrire, si vous êtes créatif… vous pouvez prendre part à des actions et ateliers près de chez vous ou encore nous envoyer vos vidéos, vos dessins pour des affiches etc.
