The rite of kidnapping a bride at a wedding has existed for several centuries.
But if this is a game now, then earlier the southern peoples really stole the bride if they could not pay for her, or if her parents wooed her with a friend. Now it's just a fun element of the wedding ceremony, which still has some rules.
How does the bride theft happen
Usually the bride is stolen at the very moment when the guests are already having a lot of fun and they just don't notice the girl's disappearance. And, of course, a person who is traditionally considered a rival of the groom is engaged in theft, although nowadays one or more of the groom's friends are most often the rival.
And now, it would seem, the bride was stolen from the groom and it was he who should either look for or redeem. But in fact, the bride should be watched by witnesses and if they missed the theft of the bride, and they should return it, and the groom can only help them a little.
Practical tips on Bride Kidnapping
It is best to discuss the theft in advance and plan it in detail, otherwise tipsy guests will kidnap the bride without warning, which she may not like at all.
The best option is when two people steal the bride - a guy and a girl, good friends of both the bride and groom. The guy will act as a hijacker, and the girl will entertain the bride while the search or ransom is going on, since this process often takes a very long time.
It would not be superfluous to discuss the theft with the presenter, so that he could adjust the wedding program for this situation. Perhaps the toastmaster will be able to offer interesting options for kidnapping and ransom.
How can a bride be redeemed
Of course, most often a certain amount of money acts as a ransom, but this is not very fun and interesting for both guests and the bride and groom.
It's better to come up with some interesting contests to boot. For example, a witness will have to perform a dance of little ducklings, or sing a song. There are many options, everything depends only on the imagination of the "thief".
What should be avoided during theft
It is not necessary to collect a lot of money for the redemption of guests, just once is enough. Otherwise, guests will gossip behind their backs, which is very unpleasant.
Also, a thief should not hide the bride in the cafe itself, since there is a possibility that almost the entire staff of the institution will have to pay, which often happens, and this is already extra waste and nerves. Also, do not delay the bride abduction ceremony for more than half an hour, otherwise both the bride and the guests will get bored.
And don't forget that bride kidnapping is just a game and you shouldn't take it too seriously. 1xBet vous offre plusieurs bonus de bienvenue sur votre première inscription. Le plus attractif peut-être est le code promotionnel 1xbet bonus de bienvenue de 100%. Une fois l’inscription sur 1xBet terminée, votre premier dépôt vous donne droit à ce bonus de 100%, qui ne saurait cependant dépasser 100 €, ou l’équivalent en devise locale (90 £ pour le Royaume-Uni).Les options de paris sportifs 1xBet sont nombreuses et multiples. De ce fait, nous vous présentons dans cette section les différents types de paris sportifs chez ce bookmaker.
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